Calling all tea lovers!

Hello fellow tea admirers! I wanted to create a space where it's ALWAYS tea time. You might be a daily tea drinker, you might be a tea party enthusiast, or you might even be a curious and wholly inexperienced tea investigator. Whoever you are, you're welcome here. Learn, explore, and discover the joys of the world's most iconic drink.

When I first thought of starting a blog dedicated to tea, I had NO idea just how deep the roots of tea went. Seriously! Diving into the history and culture of tea around the world has been an overwhelming and greatly rewarding experience. There is a treasure trove of information here on Always Time for Tea, as I attempt to take you with me on this journey of life-long discovery.

"Drinking tea is the most historically unifying experience of the human race."

~ Leslie Rivers


Evelyn Boyer

"Thank you for visiting my blog!"


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